Sunday, March 08, 2009

My weekend

Update: More pics added

It's a happy weekend.

I had fun trying out Rick's newly purchased boardgame, Elfenland.

I had BBQ at my colleague's place. He has got two cute little kids, many sheep and geese, a dog and a huge bunny! The bunny so cute!

Antony showing me his vege garden

The huge and friendly bunny!

The team

I went yum cha this morning, and managed to order all I wanted to eat

I had a wee shopping spree. Got myself a winter hat and a belt.

And, I'm now gonna enjoy my cuppa with a BIG slice of kuih lapis, watching Forbidden Kingdom.


How's your weekend?


Petite Lass said...

Ah, great weekend you have had! Where did you get the kuih lapis?Hehe. My weekend is ok. Trying to shut work out of my mind ;p

Tracy said...

You have a great weekend! I try get enough rest as i can this weekend as i'm having heavy flu since last week. :(

Doreen said...

Petite Lass:
I got the kuih lapis from asian grocery store. They come frozen, so all I need to do is to steam them. Tastes really authentic!

Oh no, quite a few people I know down with flu lately. Take care my dear. Hope you get well soon.

oceanskies79 said...

Great to hear that you are very happy. It's going to be autumn soon. Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That does indeed sound like a great weekend. Good food, good shopping, and in the company of your loved ones. ^_^

P/s: The kuih lapis and your cup is such a cute colour combo!

eastcoastlife said...

You are contented with such simple pleasures. :)
The kuih lapis looks good to eat. It's convenient to get such snacks in NZ huh. :)

pinkylicious said...

So nice :). Hey, I notice most of Rick's boardgames are very unique ones. Have never seen them before.

P/s: You have such a lovely smile on your last pic! ;)

Doreen said...

Yes, soon. Well actually it is now officially autumn, but I suppose we are having a late summer, so the sun is still going strong.

I wish my every weekend is like that. Wishful thinking. Hehehehe

Hehehe, yeah quite convenient but exp loh.

Thanks! Yeah, all Rick's boardgames are those that I had never heard before too. These games are really interesting and fun to play with. And a number of them have won "Game of the Year" awards in Europe/State. They're all so much fun than the humdrum Monopoly.

Anonymous said...

Ehh.. told you I m thinking to get a similar shirt as you.. hehehe..

wei.. you are definitely my role model le...

jezalmy said...

I like the bunny a lot la...can't wait to hug hug. The kuih lapis look yummy...slurp slurp

Doreen said...

Oh are you? Must show show once you got it wor. Aiya, paiseh leh, don't say role model lah. Me not good enough.

Yeah, I still think about him. So cute. I now have the urge of getting one for myself. Hehehehe

Anonymous said...

does he really play all those board games?? or he just enjoy collecting them :p

i had a nice weekend too.. i spent it like a pig... (eat + sleep) :p

Doreen said...

Yes, he plays. I think he is both the player and collector coz' he has got too many new ones still sitting in the cupboard haven't got around playing them. lol